RSP interviewed MECASA’s (former) Communications Director, Cara Courchesne, about their work in Maine. Read about the Maine Coalition against Sexual Assault’s media work.
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center has done a lot of work around media response and working with journalists. You can find a number of their resources, including toolkits, factsheets, and more for journalists and advocates on NSVRC’s Reporting on Sexual Violence page.
NSVRC also worked with Poynter News University on a course for journalists on Reporting on Sexual Violence. Take the Reporting on Sexual Violence course at Poynter News University.
Maine Sex Trafficking & Exploitation Network created a media guide. Read Maine Sex Trafficking & Exploitation Network’s media guide.
The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault Survivor Task Force also created a media guide to help survivors prepare to speak with the media. Read the CCASA Sexual Assault Survivor Task Force Media Toolkit.