Resource Details

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Resource Sharing Project’s ReShape e-newsletter! In this edition, we’re providing you with a selection of articles and resources specific to assisting sexual assault agencies with program evaluation.

The first article “Strengthening Services Through Evaluation” is an original piece written by Stephanie M. Townsend, Ph.D. of Townsend Consulting & Evaluation, Inc. specifically for this edition of the ReShape. The Resource Sharing Project greatly appreciates Ms. Townsend’s contribution as her article provides concrete ways coalitions can use practice-based evidence evaluation mechanisms that draw upon program strengths to guide evaluation efforts. You will see other evaluation resources authored by Ms. Townsend in this ReShape.

The second article is an interview with the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) that outlines the significant role sexual assault program evaluation plays in assisting programs with both recognizing their strengths and also pinpointing opportunities for growth. Many thanks to Sean Black, Communications Coordinator at ICASA for sharing ICASA’s evaluation process and tools with us for inclusion in this ReShape edition. Read the interview here.

The next article features the great evaluation work being conducted by the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP). Thanks to Emily Tamas, Program Coordinator at KASAP for providing us with their evaluation toolkit, included in this ReShape, and for sharing their insights in to their evaluation process. Read the interview here.

Other resources include articles from the field related to program evaluation as well as evaluation templates created by the Texas, Michigan and Indiana coalitions.


Healing Voices Project: Procedures for Evaluating Counseling and Advocacy Services (October 25, 2010) Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs, Prepared by: Stephanie M. Townsend, Ph.D. View the full toolkit here.

Illinois Rape Victims Speak Out: A Statewide Evaluation of Illinois Rape Crisis Centers (February 2011)

Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA), Authors: Sherry Falsetti and Alesia Hawkins


Outcome Measures for Sexual Assault Services in Texas, Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, Noel Bridget Busch, Ph.D., LMSW, MPA (Primary Investigator)

Outcome Evaluation for Sexual Assault Service Programs: A Practical Guide, Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Cris M. Sullivan and Suzanne Coats


Evaluation Resource Packet for Services, Stephanie M. Townsend, Ph.D

Program Evaluation: Knowing is Half the Battle, Kris Bein, Resource Sharing Project

ReShape Newsletter: Getting to the Heart of Evaluation (Summer 2003), Resource Sharing Project

The Journey Continues: Ensuring a Cross-Culturally Competent Evaluation
, The Colorado Trust

Reframing Evaluation as a Tool for Social Justice & Community Empowerment , Transforming Communities

A Room of Our Own: Sexual Assault Survivors Evaluate Services, New York City Alliance Against Sexual Violence: Deborah Fry

An Empowerment Evaluation Model for Sexual Assault Programs: Empirical Evidence of Effectiveness, Rebecca Campbell et al.

Taking Stock: A Practical Guide to Evaluating Your Own Programs, Sally L. Bond et al.

Evaluation Models, Approaches, and Designs, Hallie Preskill and Darlene Russ-Eft

Evaluation Handbook, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Organization of Sexual Assault Programs, Research conducted by The Public Intersection Project


Guide to Conducting a Needs Assessment, Office of Victims of Crime

Guide to Hiring a Local Evaluator, Office of Victims of Crime

Guide to Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation, Office of Victims of Crime

Guide to Protecting Human Subjects, Office of Victims of Crime