Resource Details

This conversation with three Technical Assistance Providers reflects on how to both personally and organizationally, regularly build new skills in order to build new practices that are embedded with a deep commitment to unlearning and disrupting all forms of oppression — and very specifically racism in order to enhance our sexual assault services to survivors.

A transcript of this webinar is also included in the attachments section.

Tips for Advocacy Programs

You can use this resource as part of your foundational sexual assault advocacy training and it is especially critical as you build your organizational change plan in order to best meet the needs of survivors of sexual violence.

Tips for Coalitions

You can use this resource as part of your foundational sexual assault advocacy training and is especially critical as you help programs to build their organizational change plan in order to best meet the needs of survivors of sexual violence. You can also use this internally as a foundation for your coalition’s anti-racism work.

Tips for Administrators

You can use this resource to learn more about the connection between anti-racism work and the work to end sexual violence.