Dual/multi-service programs are in a unique position to provide excellent rural sexual assault resources when offered effective strategies in organizational structure, staff training, and community partnerships that successfully balance programmatic needs and meet the unique needs of sexual violence survivors.
This guide will explore ten components of high-quality sexual assault service in dual/multi-service advocacy agencies. These components, along with the assessment tools from the Resource Sharing Project and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, can be the building blocks of your excellent sexual assault services.
This second edition includes updated best practices, new resources, quotes from real Executive Directors, and examples from rural programs across the country.
Tips for Advocacy Programs
You can use this guide, in conjunction with the Listening to Our Communities Toolkit, which provides guidance on conducting community needs assessments, and the Picturing Your Program Toolkit, which provides guidance on conducting an organizational assessment, to build your organizational change plan in order to best meet the needs of survivors of sexual violence.
Tips for Coalitions
You can use this guide, in conjunction with the Listening to Our Communities Toolkit, which provides guidance on conducting community needs assessments, and the Picturing Your Program Toolkit, which provides guidance on conducting an organizational assessment, as you work with programs in your state or territory to build their organizational change plan in order to best meet the needs of survivors of sexual violence.
Tips for Administrators
You can use this guide, in conjunction with the Listening to Our Communities Toolkit, which provides guidance on conducting community needs assessments, and the Picturing Your Program Toolkit, which provides guidance on conducting an organizational assessment, as you assess the current services and explore new services to fund that best meet the needs of survivors of sexual violence in your state or territory.